January 26, 2012

Definition of Elements, Compounds and Mixed In Substance

Substance is something that has mass and occupies space. Substances can be solids, liquids and gaseous substances. Substance based on its purity can be subdivided into three, namely:
1. element
2. compound
3. mixture

A. element

The element is a substance that can not be subdivided into smaller parts.

Examples of elements:
- Elements of Gold / Au (Aurum)
- Elements of Nitrogen / N
- Elements of Platina / Pt
- Elemental Carbon / Carbon / C

B. compound

The compound is a single substance that consists of several elements intertwined-hook.

Examples of compounds:
- Compound Oxygen / O2
- Compound Water / H2O
- Compounds Alcohol / C2 H5 OH
- Compounds Salt Kitchen / NaCl

C. mixture

The mixture is a substance composed of several other substances that are not fixed types and composition of elements and compounds.

Mixed Examples:
- Air
- Land
- Water


jd inget waktu SMP, tadinya saya punya tabel periodik kyk gitu

kalo plajaran kimia, aku gak terlalu mahir sob, wkt skolah aja, dpt kcl nilainya

apa ini sob ane kok belum ngerti...bhs inggris ane patah2 seh...

kimi :/
ampun omm kagak kuat ane sama yg begituan :D

kimia saya nggak ngerti maklumlah...

ikutan nyimak aja sob...

thanks Kay for your visit. I follow U too...

dear friend this is my forst visit...I do apologize couldn't reply your comment on my blog ASAP since I have some terrible business lately...I have follow your blog please follow my blog www.ringbali.com

hmmm, dulu aku sebenarnya favorite bgt ama pelajaran kimia ini..
tp skrg udh agak males mempelajarinya..

it was my lessons at high school, chemical unsur, right?
but i'm really sorry, i don't like chemical because i'am electrician, hehehe...

but nice posting...

wah infonya bagus sob..
sangat bermanfaat & lengkap lagi..
makasih ya :)
salam kenal :)

#Happy BLogging :D

Terima kasih atas artikelnya.
o iya selama saya jelajah mencari ilmu dengan blogwalking, menurut saya anda memiliki kelebihan tersendiri dari situs-situs lain dan jujur potensi anda juga sangat bagus, banyak juga ilmu yang saya pelajari disini jika ada waktu saya akan berkunjung lagi.

Bila berkenan follow balik ya sob :D

#Semoga sehat selalu :D

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