August 27, 2012

Overcome Migraine

Headache is a disease early or too often as a sign that headaches were a sign of serious illness. But another thing with a migraine, or migraine headaches usually strike us when the conditions we are experiencing muscle tension.

The disease is much greater potential for attacking women than men. Because migraine or migraine is associated with fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone. Especially when the woman is menstruating, at the time women experience hormonal fluctuations which cause frequent migraines. But other than that, migraine may arise due to dietary factors, lifestyle factors and weather factors.

Overcome Migraine Without Medication with Natural Ingredients

Someone who get migraines or headaches usually directly by taking medicine to treat headaches. But it would be nice if this migraine treatment using natural ingredients without having to take your medicine. Natural ingredients that can relieve migraine or headaches that usually should contain partenolida and magnesium. Among the natural ingredients that can be used as a drug or migraine headaches that leaf, spinach, pumpkin and chocolate (dark chocolate).

Treatment using it the way he leaves by boiling some leaves and then after that the water decoction of leaves is drunk. While treatment with spinach, pumpkin and chocolate that we simply consume them as food. And if all that was not sufficient for magnesium, we can magnesium supplements to relieve the migraine.

In addition, be careful with the name of a headache, because it could be migraine headaches or even as a sign that the headache is a sign of serious illness.

Hopefully useful.

August 25, 2012

Earth's Gravity

A natural phenomenon that can not be avoided on this earth is a power or force can be said to always pull down (perpendicular to the Earth) is often referred to as Earth's gravity.

Earth's gravitational force is also known as the Earth's gravitational pull bumi.Dengan we can walk on the surface of the earth, a car that could run on the highway as well as the roots of trees leading into the earth. In the absence of gravity humans have trouble walking surface of the earth is like being on the moon that are not gravity, if any, is so small that no real influence. Therefore, astronauts can not stand up straight let alone to run, astronauts move by floating in the atmosphere. However, different if the earth which has the force of gravity so that living beings and objects that are not floating on the surface of the earth being up into space.

Figures very closely with Isac Newton's gravity is a phenomenon that apples fall down not up.

The gravitational force on each surface of the earth is not the same place, is caused by a variety of differences, these differences are:
- The radius of the poles and the equator (small effect)
- Altitude (the effect is also very small)
- The density of rocks that make up Earth's crust

By knowing the force of gravity at the earth's surface, the experts can analyze the state of the earth. Assuming that the volume (mass) the amount fixed by the lower parts of the earth as well as the ocean or valley offset by a continent or a mountain in order to keep the volume of the earth. If we look at the globe it is seen that the northern hemisphere is largely southern hemisphere continents while most of the ocean.

Things like that also occurs in the mountains that the high mountain path appears the balance of a deep sea trench lines nearby. This phenomenon is called the position or the position has always balanced isostacy. As long as it has not reached the equilibrium of the earth's crust will move on to achieve balance and this is one of the causes of the tectonic style or volatility in certain places on the surface of the earth.