March 5, 2011

Save Our Planet

Kita saksikan air danau yang
semakin surut tampaknya
Burung-burung kecil tak lagi berkicau
di pagi hari
Hutan kehilangan ranting
Ranting kehilangan daun
Daun kehilangan dahan
Dahan kehilangan hutan

Kita saksikan gunung
memompa abu
Abu membawa batu
Batu membawa lindu
Lindu membawa longsor
Longsor membawa banjir
Banjir membawa air
Air mata....

Anyone know the verses above? Yes, two of the last stanza poem by our poet, Taufik Ismail, entitled "Membaca Tanda Tanda" That's what happens now with our earth. Earth's forests splayed wide shady now been turned into a skyscraper buildings, land formerly planted thousands of trees are lush now been turned into luxury hotels, rivers and lakes that used to clear and spoil the eye has now turned into ocean wastes of the deadly plant.

Then who is responsible for all this? Not another friend, but we. As the next generation of our nation would be responsible for all this, we are certainly aware and concerned with the environment and the earth beneath which we certainly will attempt to make our earth breathe again.

So what can we do to help our earth? It is trivial, 'Disposing of garbage in its place'. One small thing that we often ignore, but enough had a profound effect for the state of the environment around us.

"I think the environment is where we live and the environment when I'm dirty I feel not comfortable, so if dirty environment I personally would not want because we have to clean it for me cleanliness is part of faith," said one of the young high school student.

"Most importantly, the government should follow the environmental situation in our earth, look at the Lapindo mudflow problem then, no right solution, though the government would not give a damn. And how many of our friends who lost their homes," said Uroh, one of one student at a vocational school.

Indeed, all must be originated from the private individual. Try us cultivate our caring attitude to the environment at an early age. If not in ourselves, our children, yes we try to impose on us younger siblings. After all, the benefits will be felt for all of us.

Two opinions of the above, perhaps it is representative of all of them. That attitude regardless of what happens to our earth, should we need to consider together. Because of togetherness is the most important thing that is needed at this time. Together we save our earth. Save our planet.

Where are we going to go, if the earth can no longer be habitable?


mulailah dari dirimu sendiri, baru bisa ngejaga Bumi :)

memang bnr, kita hrs mawas diri, Bumi kita ini makin lama makin tua, kalo bkn kita siapa lg yg hrs merawatnya?

manusia itu terkadang gak pernah nyadar dgn apa yg diperbuatnya trhdp planet kita ini...
slh satunya membuang sampah...
budaya membuang sampah pd tmptnya itu msh trmt susah utk diterapkan.

nice artikel,..
please foolow me like your promise to me ^_^,

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